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The Difference between Stage Magician and Close-up Magician

Early magic was deliberately designed and performed in religious ceremonies, festivals, festivals, and other events. Close-range magic and magic shows on stage are major branches of magic art that has gradually emerged from the development process.

Various types of magic have been created by the ancient magicians of various countries. In modern times, the mainstream ones are those using frames fixed on the stage.The unique skills of artists who used to be on the streets of sorcerers, alchemists, and folks are also constantly enriched and perfected to form a unique close-range magic series for the crowd. Stage magic are usually large-scale magic, and it is easily seen by the whole audience. The stage magician’s main task is to engage the audience with magic tricks that keeps the audience from leaving their seats or falling asleep. The outfits worn by the stage magician can tell a story as much as the magic itself. Close-range magic is magic done on a small scale. The magician’s method is more sophisticated and requires strong foundation and skills. Close-up magic, the magic of close-up viewing, has frequent interactions with the audience, and requires more details as the audience usually have all eyes on the magician’s actions to try to figure out the magic tricks.

Stage magic are usually large-scale magic, and it is easily seen by the whole audience. The stage magician’s main task is to engage the audience with magic tricks that keeps the audience from leaving their seats or falling asleep. The outfits worn by the stage magician can tell a story as much as the magic itself.

Close-range magic is magic done on a small scale. The magician’s method is more sophisticated and requires strong foundation and skills. Close-up magic, the magic of close-up viewing, has frequent interactions with the audience, and requires more details as the audience usually have all eyes on the magician’s actions to try to figure out the magic tricks.

Social skills are crucial for close up magicians, maybe even more important than good technique. The items used by the close up magician are mostly everyday life items such as coins, playing cards, rings and so on. The audience can often touch the performance objects due to the close proximity with the magician, often bringing great shock and delight once the magic trick is performed. Tactics such as eye contact, crossing gaze, positioning and questioning are also used by close up magician.